Friday, October 13, 2017

Responsibility for Healthcare

The financing of healthcare in our country is a huge policy issue that is fought over on multiple fronts. Politicians, bureaucrats, giant corporations, lobbyists, big and small providers, vendors, nonprofits, you, me, and anybody else that pays for or mitigates the costs of healthcare. The battlefields are all over the place. The battlelines are constantly changing.

But healthcare is not just a policy issue. It is much more than that. It is a reality issue.

And the reality is: you are singularly responsible for your health and the associated costs. No matter what a politician says about programs or policies, no matter what a bureaucrat says about rights, no matter how hard an employer talks about the great benefits of being on their plan, the responsibility falls on you.

What can you do with that? What can you do with the current conventional wisdom? How can you do what is best for you?

That's what we are exploring here.

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