Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Personal Challenge: Day 14

I am giving myself until October 31, 2018 to develop a better healthcare payment and insurance plan for my family.

Why that date? Because it is the last day for open enrollment at my current employer. I am already locked into the 2018 calendar year to participate in my employer's health plan, unless I quit or get fired.

Why a personal plan? Because no one is going to give me a reasonable, cost-effective plan. The healthcare systems in the United States are damaged. They are public and private bureaucratic nightmares. Yes, the healthcare systems do provide some of the best care in the world, but it is doing so with a decaying concept of insurance and mounting administrative costs.

It is high time that I become a master of my family's healthcare. And I am already 13 days behind the eight ball.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


"CR Cobb" is a nom de plume (or in this modern day of calling everything a war, a nom de guerre). I am compelled to use an assumed name, because my views on healthcare insurance and markets runs counter to the policy of my employer.

I have a Masters of Healthcare that I earned a few years ago. During my studies, I realized that my social and political views ran counter to the overwhelming majority of my fellow students, teachers, and professors. I was already a free-market fundamentalist, but my eyes were fully opened, once I learned of the methodologies used to provide healthcare to the vast majority of Americans.

In this blog, I will present pragmatic steps that we can take to take back our healthcare from creeping bureaucracy - both public and private. I will also make the case for seizing more individual control over your personal healthcare and risk mitigation.

Personal Challenge: Day 14

I am giving myself until October 31, 2018 to develop a better healthcare payment and insurance plan for my family. Why that date? Becau...